To set the Application Settings, open the Preferences dialog box by bringing Eclipse to the foreground and choosing “Preferences...” from the File menu.
At the top center of the Preferences dialog box is a pop-up menu labeled “Options.” Choose “Application Settings” from this menu. You will see the following:
The Application Settings interface consists of a scrolling list labeled “Don’t dim while in these applications” and two buttons labeled “Add...” and “Remove.” The two checkboxes instruct Eclipse whether or not to dim the screen while you’re printing or involved in a communication session.
Important Applications
Adding applications to the “Don’t dim while in these applications” list prevents Eclipse from dimming while these applications are in the foreground. For instance, you may want to add your 3D rendering program to this list. While the program is generating an image, you can watch its progress without Eclipse dimming the screen.
The “Add...” button is used to add applications to the list. When the “Add...” button is clicked, a standard Open dialog box appears. From here applications can be selected and added to the list in Eclipse. When one of these applications is in the foreground, Eclipse will not dim the screen.
The “Remove” button removes the selected application from the list. In order to remove an application, highlight it from the list by clicking on it and click the “Remove” button.
Communication Sessions
Downloading large files can be frustrating if the file becomes corrupted. Interference by another program can sometimes lead to corruption, causing you to download the file again. Eclipse can be told not to dim the screen in these situations. When you check the “Don’t dim while a communications session is active” checkbox, Eclipse first checks to see if an application is conducting a communication session before it dims. If Eclipse detects any activity, it prevents itself from dimming until the activity stops.
Eclipse can also be set not to dim during printing. When you check the “Don’t dim while a document is being printed” checkbox, Eclipse checks to see if a document is being printed. If Eclipse detects any printing, it will not dim the screen.